23 October 2024 | Tips and wellness

We know the sun is setting earlier and the colder seasons are upon us – however there is a big bonus to maintaining your fitness outdoors. See what our Outdoor Fitness members have to say and some tips to help you stay motivated while the temperature drops.

The benefit of getting fresh air even in the colder seasons makes a world of difference.  You burn more calories, utilize more energy to stay warm and it is invigorating!

We asked our members directly and they came up with some strategies for you to consider.

How do our members stay motivated to keep up their training and continue their sessions?  YES, even in C-O-L-D temperatures?

  1. Layers, layers, layers – We produce a lot of heat when we exercise, so when we wear proper insulative clothing, we can achieve thermal balance quite easily.  Multi-layer approach with base-wicking layer, insulative mid-layer and breathable but windproof outer-layer) for controlled temperature. Check out the Coldweather Gear Guide for more details.
  1. The coaching is everything! The small group motivation and very specific coaching makes it easy for me to follow along, without having to think about what to do.  I know I am getting taken care of, while taking care of my body.  Time goes by so fast and I forget it’s cold out! Laurie W.
  1. Community counts – meeting up the group on a regular basis makes me more accountable. I’ve met similar people in the classes and found new friends too. Sometimes workouts alone are boring and I might skip out early or not work as hard. The group pushing me, helps me get better, even if it’s a bit chilly, we get warm real fast and – we get through it so much more! Lucy P
  1. Me time is my time – With 168 hours in a week, I know I can set aside a few hours for me. Knowing the class is happening every week and it’s in my calendar, set up as a recurring appointment, helps me plan my day.  I actually book meetings around my class and look forward to that time away as “me time” Karen G
  1. Reward yourself – I like to treat myself to something at the end of the week – something like new gear or a hot stone massage or even a long soak in the tub. Knowing that my body is moving well even in the chilly weather, I appreciate the little goodies I have planned to enjoy. Heather G


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